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Loved from Afar Page 6

  “Get ready. I still think Miss Ellie’s due a visit from ya. I’ll get Dancy.” Brand grabbed his hat off the chair and headed for the door. He paused, however, his hand on the latch, turning to her with an understanding smile. She was so lovely standing there. “I’ll meet you outside in a few minutes.” And with that he opened the door and headed out to the barn.

  Amelia didn’t even try to stop the tears from welling in her eyes. When would she be free from the ugliness of her past. It was a relief to know Harmon was still laid up at Doc Childers and would soon move to the jailhouse. But what then? No one had told her what would happen to Harmon once he was fully recovered from the injuries inflicted by Brand. Her only reassurance was her marriage to Brand. But it lingered in her heart and mind, the fear Harmon so enjoyed instilling in her. Each day away from his constant tormenting was a blessing and each day the hope within her burned brighter. But that didn’t keep the nightmares at bay or the dread she felt, the near crippling despair from creeping in at any given moment.

  She had to wonder what Brand thought each night as she fell asleep, a lamp burning brightly in her room. Surely, he had seen the glow from beneath her door. He hadn’t mentioned it to her, not once. She also wondered if he was aware of the nights she stood outside his door, wishing she had the courage to knock and seek the comfort of his arms. Instead, she sank to her knees, head resting on the smooth wood until she was tired enough to return to her own room to sleep.

  Amelia dried her tears with a determined swipe of her sleeve. Brand was right, a visit with Miss Ellie would be just the thing. Retrieving a small plate from the cupboard, Amelia filled it with cookies and tied it up in a towel.

  Brand was waiting for her when she opened the door, his smile hesitant as he climbed the steps and took the towel-wrapped plate from her. He secured them in a bag on Dancy’s saddle before turning to help her mount. Amelia tried to calm her racing heart as he climbed up behind her, settling his arms around her and urging Dancy into a walk.

  Amelia sat, straight as a board in front of Brand. Chuckling, he pulled her against him. She relaxed without further urging. It would have been silly to do otherwise-and she didn’t want to anyhow. The spring air was cool and she was thankful for the warmth of his body at her back.

  “It seems a little unfair-you getting all the wind,” Amelia teased, smiling when his chest rumbled with his chuckle.

  “Don’t you worry about me, darlin’. I’m used to it.” He laughed again. “Usually, I’m all by my lonesome. It’s a might more fun having you ride with me.” Brand’s hold on her tightened and Amelia grinned as she snuggled deeper into his arms, enjoying the sensation for the rest of the ride into town.

  Brand was reluctant to let her go when they arrived at Miss Ellie’s, was tempted, in fact, to turn around and go home, see if she might let him kiss her again. But no, he would stick to his plan and leave her here for a time while he went about his own business. So, he dismounted and taking Amelia by her waist, swung her to the ground.

  “Alright, honey, you go on up and have some of them cookies with Miss Ellie and talk about… well, whatever it is you girls talk about all the time.” Brand winked at her and was rewarded with one of her beautiful smiles. “I’ll come back here for you in about an hour. How’s that?”

  Amelia nodded. She took the plate of cookies he held out to her and turned to walk up the steps. Brand waited, watching to make sure she got in the door. He waved and smiled at Miss Ellie when she let Amelia in, then turned up the street toward the saloon. He figured a few minutes talking with a good friend was just what he needed as well.

  Chapter 10

  “Well, lookee here,” Miss Ellie exclaimed, a wide smile on her wrinkled face. “It’s the new Mrs. Callahan.” She opened the door wide, stepping aside to allow Amelia to step in. Amelia peered over her shoulder, watching Brand make his way down the busy street. It was unsettling, not knowing where he would be. She had become accustomed to being by herself in the ranch house, although she didn’t care for it. But being away from her new home, and away from Brand, was troubling.

  Miss Ellie noticed the new brides discomfort. “It’s gonna be fine. Your man will come back for you in just a bit.” Miss Ellie laid a comforting hand on Amelia’s shoulder and led her into the small sitting room.

  “He’s hardly my man, Miss Ellie,” Amelia contradicted the old woman. She placed the plate of cookies on the table in the tiny kitchen before shrugging out of her coat and slinging it over the back of a nearby chair.

  Miss Ellie tsked her disapproval of Amelia’s statement as she settled into her rocking chair, her knitting, ever at the ready, immediately taken in hand. “Yer wearin’ his ring ain’tcha? Livin’ in his house?” Miss Ellie challenged, her arthritic fingers working the needles and yarn.

  Amelia sighed, glancing down at the ring she was indeed wearing on her finger. Brand had given it to her during the wedding ceremony. It had been a surprise at the time, especially when he had confided that the ring had been his mother’s.

  The troubles in her heart were weighing heavy on her soul. Amelia knew it would do her good to share them with Miss Ellie. The older woman was the closest thing she had to a mother and Amelia knew she could trust Miss Ellie with the truth about her marriage to Brand. Settling herself on a low stool at Miss Ellie’s feet, Amelia rested her head on the old woman’s knee and confessed her troubled thoughts.

  “I have his ring and I live in his house...but I don’t share his bed, so tell me, Miss Ellie, how is he my man?”

  “Don’t share his-,” Miss Ellie sputtered as she sat a little straighter in her chair. “Oh. I see. Playing the hero, hmmm?” She laughed then, but it sounded more like a cackle. “Don’t you worry, sweet girl. It will only be a matter of time.” She paused in her knitting and rested her palm on Amelia’s cheek. “Yes, siree, just a matter of time, because you are already in that boy’s heart.”

  Amelia didn’t hold back her unladylike snort. Miss Ellie was trying to make her feel better. Miss Ellie was a consummate matchmaker and Amelia had been witness to her antics before. Still Amelia felt a small thrill of hope at her words.

  “You don’t know how I wish that were true, Miss Ellie,” Amelia sighed.

  Elvira Mason’s eyes narrowed as she considered her young friend. It was apparent she was going to have to have a heart-to-heart with Brand Callahan, but first Amelia needed her love and reassurance and Ellie knew it was time to share what was in her heart with the girl.

  “It’s been two years, darlin’, since you started comin’ to my door,” she began. “You never failed to bring me something to brighten an old woman’s day, and you never failed to bring your own sad eyes. I wish I woulda known then what was causin’ all that sadness.” Elvira paused then, her voice breaking. She heard what had happened that night in the alley from Sawyer, it pure made her sick to her stomach to think what Amelia had endured at the hand of her own brother.

  “Miss Ellie-,” Amelia started, her eyes earnest.

  “No, Amelia. It’s true. I know now and I can’t think how I didn’t know or understand then, and sweet girl, I’m more sorry than I can say for what you’ve gone through.” Amelia lowered her eyes. She would have none of it and took the girl’s chin in her hand, lifting Amelia’s gaze to meet her own. This was too important. “I’ve watched you… and I’ve watched Brand, for over two years. And I’m telling you, it came as no surprise to me when that boy came to your rescue. Not just in the alley that night, but later at the preacher’s house.”

  “What are you talkin’ about?” Amelia’s eyes were wide with confusion and distrust.

  “Let me tell you a story, hmm? A story of love.” Amelia rolled her eyes then and Elvira couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her lips. “Just you listen, girl.”

  “Oh, alright. Tell your story, then,” Amelia lifted her head and crossed her arms over her knees.

  Elvira chuckled at Amelia’s defiant look and took a moment to collect her thoughts
. This was important, it was going to take some doin’ to convince Amelia of the the truthfulness of it.

  “Now, I know you’ve spent the better part of the last few years flirtin’ with every man comin’ through the mercantile. No, no… I reckon I understand now why you were doin’ it and I can’t say I blame you. But, you built yourself up a reputation, make no mistake.” Elvira stopped then, tipped Amelia’s ashamed gaze up to her own. “He saw through it all.” Elvira paused again, letting her words sink in.

  Amelia was dumbfounded as much as she was skeptical. How could Miss Ellie profess to know such thing?

  “What do you mean,” Amelia voiced her thoughts.

  “Well, I’ll tell you. Round about the time, now let me had been stopping by for about a year and that young man took to stopping by as well. I’ll just bet Amy henpecked Brand near to death to check up on me,” Miss Ellie laughed, shaking her snowy head. “At first, he would just stop over for a minute or two, never even crossing the threshold. Before long, though, he’d sit and have a sip of lemonade or some such thing. Pretty soon, his visits started overlapping your own. Oh, he was slick about it, no doubt. And it took me a good bit to catch on, I don’t mind admitting it.”

  Amelia smiled despite herself when Miss Ellie winked at her.

  “Yes, siree. Brand was stoppin’ by pretty regular…usually round about the time you were fixin’ to leave. Oh, yes, he was slick about it. Never showing up same time as you. But soon as he walked in my door, his eyes lit on you and never strayed until you walked out the door.”

  “And so...what?” Amelia wasn’t trying to be smart, but she wasn’t entirely convinced Miss Ellie hadn’t become a might fanciful.

  “I can see you’re doubting me. Well, missy, let me ask you this- has he kissed you?”

  “Miss Ellie!” Amelia could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks remembering the kiss she had shared with her husband only that morning.

  “Who-ee! I knew it. That boy’s been near to salivatin’ every time he’s laid eyes on you for the last year.” Miss Ellie cackled again as she rocked back in her chair, slapping her knee.

  “Land sakes, Miss Ellie. I’m the same age as his baby sister. Last year I was still just seventeen!” Amelia was intrigued, though, by the notion that Brand might have secreted feelings for her. She remembered all those times she had run into Brand in this very room. In fact, it usually took all her self-control not to run the moment he knocked on the door, he rattled her so. She supposed it was possible, however unlikely, that she had been so preoccupied with her own feelings- she never noticed him taking notice of her?

  “I see you thinkin’ on it. I’m tellin’ you the truth. He saw his moment last week and took it!” Miss Ellie’s head bobbed as she sat back again in her chair and having said her piece, picked up her knitting.

  Amelia sat in silence as she pondered the words of her dear old friend. Could it be true? Could Brand have secret feelings for her? Why else had he married her? Could it have been more than a desire to protect her from Harmon? She supposed it was possible. And there was no doubt he had wanted to kiss her, enjoyed it even, inexperienced as she was-she knew that much! So why? Why was he holding back from her? The questions must have shown on her face because Miss Ellie answered them.

  “Because he’s scared.”

  “Scared? Why?”

  “Well, darlin’, the very same reason you are. And don’t bother tellin’ me you ain’t. I’ve sat and watched you make calf eyes at that boy even longer than he’s been watchin’ you.” Miss Ellie winked when Amelia blushed. “Brand don’t see himself as we see him. All growin’ up he took second fiddle to Beau Weston far as all the young fillies in town are concerned. He ain’t the same kinda charmin’ as Ethan, or book smart like Caleb, even Dylan has set himself apart as Sheriff. Brand, well, he feels his dreams have all been washed down the gulch and himself along with them. Until you, darlin’.”

  “Washed down the gulch, huh?” Amelia couldn’t imagine Brand feeling that way. To her, he was just about the perfect image of a man, inside and out.

  “We all get foolish notions about ourselves sometimes, now don’t we,” Miss Ellie eyed her knowingly.

  “So, he’s scared and that’s why he doesn’t want a real marriage,” Amelia asked, still somewhat perplexed.

  Miss Ellie laughed her hearty laugh again.

  “‘Want’ ain’t got notin’ to do with it. You mark my words, sweet girl, that boy is in love with you-and has been. He won’t be able to hold out too awful long before he truly makes you his own. It sure wouldn’t hurt you none to do a little… encouragin’.” Miss Ellie waggled her eyebrows.

  Amelia couldn’t hold back her giggles. If nothing else, Miss Ellie sure was entertaining.

  Miss Ellie guided the conversation to more light-hearted topics and Amelia was grateful. It was good to escape dark thoughts and memories for a time. Her spirits were considerably lifted by the time Brand came to fetch her, and she was able to meet him with a bright smile.

  “You had a nice visit, then,” he asked as they made their way out of town.

  “It was just what I needed. Thank you, Brand, for thinking of it.” She turned a little to smile up at him.

  “You’re welcome, darlin’, I enjoy a nice visit with Miss Ellie myself,” he replied with a wink and a smile.

  Amelia turned forward again, delighting in the feel of his strong arms around her. She determined then and there, not to worry about the future, to just be thankful she had escaped the bonds of her life at the mercantile and for Brand for saving her.

  Chapter 11

  A blood curdling scream woke Brand from a dead sleep and he hit the floor running. Ethan’s footsteps thumped loudly from down the hall. Both men had become accustomed to Amelia’s nightmares, though neither had mentioned them. This, however, was different. Without pause, Brand burst into Amelia’s room, Ethan on his heels.

  The room was dimly lit, as always, by a candle burning on the bedside table. A quivering Amelia, sat in the center of her narrow bed, eyes frantic, unable to form the words necessary to tell Brand what had caused her fright. Brand’s wild eyes searched the room as Ethan did a quick search of the wardrobe and even peeked out the window.

  “I don’t see anything, Brand.” Ethan’s concerned eyes met those of his brother.

  “T-the w-window,” Amelia stuttered, a shaking finger pointing to the single window in the room.

  Brand joined his brother at the window. Ethan unlatched the frame again and swung it wide. Both men peered out into the darkness. Brand looked at Ethan with a sigh and shook his head. He placed a grateful hand on his brother’s shoulder. Ethan had accepted Brand’s shotgun wedding to Amelia without question, had even offered to move into the old homestead cabin on the property. But Brand hadn’t seen the need for kicking his brother out of his own home and had been more than thankful for Ethan’s uncharacteristic tactfulness regarding Brand and Amelia’s sleeping arrangements.

  “Thank you, Ethan.”

  With compassionate glance at Amelia, Ethan nodded and left the room.

  Brand paused, trying to regain a normal heartbeat before turning to his wife. He was filled with regret and anger...and love. She needed his comfort now and whatever protection he could offer. Without pausing to consider his actions, Brand crawled into the bed behind her, pulling her into his lap and wrapping her trembling body in his arms.

  “What happened, darlin” he murmured, rocking her gently on the bed. Amelia buried her face in his chest, sobbing in earnest. Not knowing what else to do, Brand held her, continuing a steady stream of murmured endearments.

  After a long while, her sobs finally subsided, although her trembling did not. Finally, she raised her head to look at him. Brand knew his confusion must be plain on his face.

  “Amelia, honey, you’ve got to tell me what happened.” Brand released his arms from around her and took her face between both of his hands. “Please, Amelia.”

  “I-I saw som
e-something in my window,” she stammered, her voice barely a whisper and hoarse from crying.

  “Saw what?”

  “H-Harmon.” A fresh wave of tears rolled down her face, spilling over Brand’s fingertips.

  “Harmon,” Brand repeated. He abruptly released her and went again to the window, throwing it wide once more. He grabbed the handle on the lamp and leaned with it out into the cool night air. Nothing. Not that he had expected to see something, the bedrooms were on the second floor for crying out loud. Brand latched the window once more, and returned to sit beside her on the bed. He held her hand as he decided what to do. His gaze went to the window again. Could someone make their way into the room through it? A thrill of fear coursed through him and he made a decision.

  “Come on, darlin’.” And scooping her into his arms, blanket and all, Brand carried her into his own room, depositing her on his bed. Eyes wide, Amelia sat looking at him. But his mind was made up. Even without the events of this night, Brand couldn’t spend another night standing outside her door as she cried, helpless to ease her worry and pain. No, she would stay with him from now on. Resolved, Brand climbed in next to her and arranged the covers around them. She was peering at him as though he was going to eat her for a late-night snack. Smiling, Brand reached out to lightly caress her cheek.

  “Let's get some sleep. Ain’t nothin’ gonna hurt you in here...or anybody,” he added significantly, and to prove he was as good as his word, Brand rolled over and punched his pillow under his head, signaling his intent to get some sleep himself.

  Amelia watched in stunned silence as her husband laid down next to her as though having her in his bed was an everyday occurrence. Still shaken by the image of Harmon’s face framed in the window of her room, Amelia found her heart was racing for an entirely different reason now. In the midst of her earlier terror, Amelia had not noticed Brand’s lack of clothing, and was now unable to notice anything else as he lay bare from the waist up with only a pair of flannels on bottom. A blush rose in her cheeks as she became aware of her own state of undress. How could she sleep next to him in only her thin nightgown? She had not even appeared in front of her brother or father without a corset since she was in short skirts.